Reports, Studies and Other Publications
The Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund, formerly the Citizens Policy Center, is the non-profit education and research affiliate of Ohio Citizen Action. The president of the Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund is Heather Zoller. The executive director is Melissa English.
- Filling the void: A Citizen Audit of Ohio Oil and Gas Waste Disposal Wells, Melissa English and Nathan Rutz, December 16, 2014.
- The Eisenbarth well fire: Ohio fails in a fracking emergency, Melissa English and Nathan Rutz, October 8, 2014.
- Oil and gas contributions pouring into Sen. District 20 to help Sen. Troy Balderson, Paul Ryder, October 26, 2012
- What will the 2012 election tell us about the issue of hydraulic fracturing in Ohio? Watch Ohio Senate District 20, Paul Ryder, October 9, 2012
- You and the Environment Symposium, Ohio Citizen Action, Earth Day Coalition, Environmental Health Watch, Northeast Ohio Sierra Club, Cleveland Neighborhood Development Coalition, Green City Blue Lake Institute, June 2, 2012
- Cleveland incinerator: Consultant gets caught cooking the books, Sandy Buchanan, March 13, 2012
- Basic mathematical errors will doom incinerator project, Sandy Buchanan, Chris Trepal, Brian Cummins, March 8, 2012
- Do the math: ”New” incinerator proposal would have same amount of dangerous pollutants from soot, more dioxin, and still be the largest polluter of mercury in the county, Sandy Buchanan, February 27, 2012
- What happened to Peter Tien’s requirement to hire Clevelanders with his $1.5 million contract?, Sandy Buchanan, February 6, 2012
- Cleveland’s incinerator plans don’t add up, Nathan Rutz, February 3, 2012
- Here’s what Cleveland could do if it were serious about reaching its goal of “Zero Waste”, Sandy Buchanan, February, 2012
- In promoting incinerator, Cleveland Public Power misleads public about its power portfolio, Sandy Buchanan, January 25, 2012
- New Report on Southwest Ohio aggregation shows competition providing savings to consumers, Rachael Belz, October 31, 2011
- Planck Holdings in Florida is a subsidiary of India’s JSW Steel, Paul Ryder, October 24, 2011
- Q&A on Ohio energy issues, Paul Ryder, July 11, 2011
- Baard Energy’s Florida investor, Planck Trading, is in a “virtual office”, Paul Ryder, Alison Auciello, January 31, 2011
- Lobbyists- Affluence & Influence? Contributions from Lobbyists to Ohio Legislative and Statewide Candidates from January, 2009 – December, 2010, Catherine Turcer, Judith Richards, Leontien Kennedy, January 2011
- Who is Tony Sharma and what is his role with Baard?, Paul Ryder, December 30, 2010
- Something’s fishy in Columbiana County, Sandy Buchanan, November 8, 2010
- Is Baard’s investor, Planck Trading, really a front for India’s JSW Steel?, Paul Ryder, October 25, 2010
- The Future is Now: A Citizens’ Audit of the Rumpke Sanitary Landfill, Property Owners Want Equal Right (POWER), Ohio Citizen Action Education Fund, October 13, 2010
- Eight more things you can do to stop the expansion of the landfill, Melissa English, October 12, 2010
- Contributions to Candidates for Justice of Ohio Supreme Court from January 1, 2009 – September 30, 2010, Catherine Turcer, Judith Richards, Leontien Kennedy, October, 2010
- Baard: No refinery, but a few landowners pocket $805,500 in taxpayer money, Sandy Buchanan, September 17, 2010
- Baard Energy coming up short on state loan requirements, Paul Ryder, June 10, 2010
- Is Baard Energy a woman-owned business enterprise?, Paul Ryder, June 4, 2010
- What is Baard Energy’s track record?, Sandy Buchanan, May 6, 2010
- Three questions for Baard Energy CEO John Baardson, Paul Ryder, memo, March 9, 2010
- The arithmetic shows coal-to-liquid refineries can’t make U.S. more energy independent, Paul Ryder, memo, February 7, 2010
- A bridge loan to nowhere: State officials’ criticisms of loan trampled in rush to subsidize AMP coal plant project, Paul Ryder, October 8, 2009
- Meigs County: The worst place in Ohio to build another coal plant, Paul Ryder, November 10, 2009
- The People’s Business Cancelled; Fundraisers Flourish, Catherine Turcer, Leontien Kennedy, November, 2009
- Testimony, U.S. EPA coal ash hearing, Louisville, Kentucky, Rachael Belz, September 29, 2009
- 2008 Power Plant Pollution, Liz Clark, September 24, 2009
- AMP-Ohio proposes to build a fifth coal-fired power plant on the Ohio River in area heavily burdened by pollution from four coal plants, Rachael Belz, February 17, 2009
- Contributions to Candidates for Ohio Attorney General from January 1, 2007 to August 31, 2008, Catherine Turcer, Leontien Kennedy, September, 2008
- Contributions to Candidates for the Ohio Supreme Court from November 5, 2007 to September 30, 2008, Catherine Turcer, Leontien Kennedy, October, 2008
- Contributions to Statewide Candidates, Catherine Turcer, Jason Danklefsen, July 9, 2007
- Utility interests poured $2.7 million into Ohio politics in 2005 – 2006, Sandy Buchanan, February 19, 2007
- Background: Why was the PUCO Nominating Council created in the first place?, Sandy Buchanan, February 12, 2007
- Smoke and Mirrors: Mittal Steel’s Playbook to Cover Up Their Pollution Citizens’ Audit of Mittal Steel Cleveland Works, Liz Ilg, January 3, 2007. 161 KB pdf
- Contributions to Ohio Ballot Issue Committees January 1-October 18, 2006, Catherine Turcer, November 28, 2006
- Who does Governor-elect Ted Strickland owe? And what do they want from him?, Catherine Turcer, November 8, 2006
- Contributions to candidates for governor, attorney general and justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, Catherine Turcer, Jason Danklefsen, October 18, 2006
- Reforming Ohio’s democracy: What’s wrong, what we can do about it, Catherine Turcer, Herbert Asher, Ann Henkener, Peg Rosenfield, Daniel Tokaji, October 3, 2006
- Citizens’ Audit of Eramet Marietta, Keith Bailey, Caroline Beidler, Sue Berzinis, Ruth Breech, Patrick Stewart, June 1, 2006, 23 KB doc
- 2005 Contributions to Ohio Gubernatorial Candidates, Catherine Turcer, Jason Danklefsen, April 17, 2006
- Chronology: Ohio Supreme Court and FirstEnergy rate case, Catherine Turcer, September 25, 2006
- Metal flakes found at homes near Mittal Steel, Katarina Popovic, July 28, 2005
- AK Steel pollution cuts, Rachael Belz, Jun 23, 2005
- Mittal Steel’s pollution controls outdated, Dana Paris, Jun 20, 2005, 28 KB xls
- The Sunoco refinery is our neighbor, David Ryder, Rachael Belz, May 29, 2005, 15-minute DVD
- Lanxess odor calendar for May, Ruth Breech, Angela Oster, May 25, 2005
- Lanxess Plastics neighbors find high levels of 1,3 butadiene in front yard, Ruth Breech, May 19, 2005, 28 KB doc
- Air tests find toxic chemicals near Lanxess Plant; Odors tipped neighbors off, Ruth Breech, May 12, 2005, 39 KB doc
- Lanxess odor calendar for April, Ruth Breech, Angela Oster, May 12, 2005
- ISG Cleveland gives back to the community; New data show 2004 asthma- and cancer-linked emissions up sharply from 2003, Sandy Buchanan, May 2, 2005
- Contributions to Candidates for Columbus City Council, January 1 to April 13, 2005, Catherine Turcer, Brandi Whetstone, Apr 29, 2005
- Lanxess odor calendar for March, Ruth Breech, Angela Oster, April 18, 2005
- Campaign Finance Reform, public forum, Catherine Turcer, Brandi Whetstone, April 15, 2005, 29 KB doc
- A decade of accidents in Addyston, Ruth Breech, April 4, 2005, 26 KB doc
- Sunoco Toledo Refinery: 21 accidents in the last six months, Rachael Belz, March 10, 2005, 87 KB doc
- Lanxess spilled 700 lbs of toxic chemicals in 8 minutes on Dec 15, report shows, Ruth Breech, January 21, 2005
- Overview of the Special Session: Campaign Finance Reform Bills (Senate Bill 1/House Bill 1), Catherine Turcer, December 13, 2004, 31 KB doc
- Ohio Citizen Action asks three Supreme Court justices for recusal from FirstEnergy case, letter, Sandy Buchanan to Thomas Moyer, Chief Justice, Ohio Supreme Court, December 10, 2004
- New survey shows respiratory problems widespread among ISG neighbors in Slavic Village, Cleveland, Meg Alley, November 17, 2004
- Election 2004: Campaign Contributions to Candidates for Chief Justice and Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court from November 2, 2003- October 13, 2004, Catherine Turcer, Brandi Whetstone, October 28, 2004, 971 KB doc. Full spreadsheet, 8.24 MB xls
- Election 2004: Campaign Contributions to Candidates for Chief Justice and Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court from November 2, 2003- September 30, 2004, Catherine Turcer, Brandi Whetstone, October 19, 2004, 486 KB doc Contributions spreadsheet full, 8 MB xls; Spreadsheet key, 24 KB doc
Political dollars and the Ohio EPA Permit Processing Efficiency Committee, Sandy Buchanan, Brandi Whetstone, Oct 4, 2004, 80 KB doc
- 1999-2002 Contributions to party and caucus committees from members of the Ohio EPA committee, 7 KB xls
- 1999-2002 Organizational contributors represented on the Ohio EPA Permit Processing Commitee, 9.5 KB xls
- 1999-2002 Contributions to statewide and legislative candidates from Ohio EPA committee members, 26 KB xls
- 1999-2002 Contributions from participants of the Ohio EPA permit processing efficiency committee, 5 MB xls
- Proposed Ohio EPA rule changes, 193 KB pdf
- A presidential election mystery: Why hasn’t the White House told Taft to clean up the Ohio GOP scandals before the election?; An Ohio politics primer, Paul Ryder, September 8, 2004
- ISG Cleveland Works: More neighbors than any comparable U.S. steelmaker, Paul Ryder, August 26, 2004
- ISG put 76 million pounds of pollution into Cleveland’s air last year, Sandy Buchanan, August 25, 2004
- Election 2004 — Justice at Stake: Campaign Contributions to Candidates for Chief Justice and Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, Catherine Turcer, Brandi Whetstone, August 2, 2004, 131 KB doc; full database, 1.86 MB xls
- Sulfur dioxide emissions at Sunoco Refinery still climbing — up by 88% since 2000, Rachael Belz, July 22, 2004
- Substitute Senate Bill 214, Electioneering Communications, Catherine Turcer, testimony, Ohio House State Government Committee, May 25, 2004
- New data on Sunoco Toledo Refinery: Hundreds of times more pollution than executives admitted to neighbors, Rachael Belz, April 21, 2004
- Newly-released documents on safety culture: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ignored evidence to OK Davis-Besse start-up, Sandy Buchanan, April 7, 2004
- 14 clues that FirstEnergy is for sale, Is the $3 billion rate case just a deal-sweetener for the sale of FirstEnergy?, Shari Weir, March 24, 2004
- A count that everyone will trust, Catherine Turcer, testimony, Ohio Joint Committee on Ballot Security, Mar 24, 2004
- Are key Davis-Besse culprits still at FirstEnergy?, Sandy Buchanan, Feb 26, 2004
- Just the Beginning: November 2, 2003 – February 11, 2004 Contributions to Candidates for Chief Justice and Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, Catherine Turcer, Brandi Whetstone, February 26, 2004, 176 KB doc
- Have the White House and the Nuclear Energy Institute cut FirstEnergy loose? It sure looks like it., Paul Ryder, December 17, 2003
- FirstEnergy still retaliating against Davis-Besse employees who raise safety problems; Company cooked data to improve results, Shari Weir, Paul Ryder, December 15, 2003
- Political giving: FirstEnergy’s high-yield investment plan, Shari Weir, Catherine Turcer, December 8, 2003, 80 KB doc
- A look at 2002 election news on Columbus local television, Brandi Whetstone, July 23, 2003 (30 KB doc)
- Virtually all hold fundraisers on session days, Catherine Turcer, June 16, 2003
- $2.9 million from polluters to ‘call the shots’ at Ohio EPA, Catherine Turcer, April 16, 2003
- AK Come Clean, 30-minute video, Rachael Belz, Ohio Sierra Club, March 22, 2003
- Winners show fundraising prowess, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, March 3, 2003
- Ottawa County Radiological Emergency Response Plan Overview, Amy Ryder, and Stu Greenberg, Environmental Health Watch, February 12, 2003
- Gambling contributions total over $1 million, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, November 26, 2002
- Physicians contribute heavily to Stratton and O’Connor, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, October 31, 2002
- Top Cincinnati fundraisers and incumbents win, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, October 23, 2002
- Analysis of September contributions, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, Oct 22, 2002
- 2002 candidates for Ohio Supreme Court Justice (52 KB doc), Catherine Turcer, Sep 30, 2002.
- Top organizational contributions (257 KB xls).
- Total from each law firm to each candidate (141 KB xls).
- All contributions, Jan 1 – Sep 30, 2002 (2.5 MB xls).
- Sixteen firms give $431,000 to Citizens for a Strong Ohio; only $100,000 to High Court candidates, Catherine Turcer, October 1, 2002
2002 candidates for Ohio Supreme Court Justice candidates, January 1 – August 31, 2002 contributions, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, September 30, 2002
- All contributions spreadsheet (3.6 MB .xls)
- Attorney contributions to Black and Burnside, spreadsheet (30 KB .xls)
- Attorney contributions to O’Connor and Strattonspreadsheet (35 KB .xls)
- All contributions from school funding interests spreadsheet (9 KB .xls)
- Ohio GOP earns “A”, Dems “F” on disclosure, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, September 4, 2002
- 2002 candidates for Ohio Supreme Court Justice candidates, primary contributions, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, July 1, 2002
- Disclosure proficiency: Time to move to the next grade, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, Jun 17, 2002
- 2002 candidates for Ohio Supreme Court Justice candidates, pre-primary contributions, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, May 2, 2002
- Run for the money, 1999 – 2000, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, March 18, 2002
- The Enron contribution hot-potato, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, February 4, 2002
- Cincinnati City Council: The dash for cash, 1997-1999, Catherine Turcer, Patty Lynch, October 24, 2001
- 1999-2000 Disclosure Report Card: Which Ohio Candidates Properly Disclose Contributions? An analysis of employer identifications in 1999-2000 Campaign Finance Reports, Laura Yeomans, June 11, 2001 (.doc)
- Ohio political parties: Secrecy remains legal, Laura Yeomans, May 14, 2001
- Ban beryllium in dentistry, Amy Ryder, Feb 21, 2001
- Citizen air pollution audit of Morton International, subsidiary of Rohm and Haas, Reading, Ohio, Citizens Policy Center, Ohio Citizen Action, ECO: Environmental Community Organization, Sierra Club, Northsiders for Cleaner Air, Rivers Unlimited, Residents of Reading, Ohio and Greater Cincinnati, Nov 9, 2000.
- 1999-2000 campaign contributions to candidates for justice of the Ohio Supreme Court, Laura Yeomans, Oct 25, 2000
- Bond counsels and financiers gave over $2 million to candidates in last election cycle; Taft, Montgomery are major beneficiaries, Laura Yeomans, Oct 13, 2000
- Farming without chemicals in Ohio, Keith Dix, Ph.D., Innovative Farmers of Ohio, Citizens Policy Center, Aug 22, 2000.
- Our drinking water, its source and contaminants: Finding the answers to 10 good questions, Jane Forrest-Redfern, Jul 4, 2000.
- 1993-1998 campaign contributions to justices of the Ohio Supreme Court, Laura Yeomans, Feb 7, 2000
- Tobacco money in Ohio, Laura Yeomans, November, 1999
- Take the Money and Win, 1997-1998, Laura Yeomans, summary, searchable database, November 22, 1999
- Citizen Audit of Cincinnati Specialties, Rachael Belz, Campaign for Safer Neighborhoods, Citizens Policy Center, Ohio Citizen Action, Environmental Community Organization, October 12, 1999.
- Protect our drinking water and prepare farmers for the future, Jane Forrest-Redfern, June 4, 1999
- Ohio political parties make progress in disclosure, Laura Yeomans, May 24, 1999
- Electric utility contributions to Ohio candidates and political parties, 1997-1998, Shari Weir, Laura Yeomans, May 9, 1999
- 1998 Disclosure Report Card: Which Ohio candidates properly disclose contributions?, Laura Yeomans, April 26, 1999
- FirstEnergy bailout will cost northern Ohio up to 49,000 jobs, Jennifer O’Donnell, Shari Weir, Citizens Policy Center; Safe Energy Communication Council; February 1999
- Ohio Open Elections Project, a searchable database of 1998 contributions and expenditures, electronically submitted by statewide Ohio candidates, Laura Yeomans, updated October 28, 1998
- Poisons in our midst [narrative]: The release of pollutants that may cause cancer, damage human reproduction, hinder child development, or interfere with the human endocrine system, Laura Yeomans, Patty Wise, October 6, 1998
- Full Disclosure: What Ohioans need to know to clean up their rivers and tap water, Jane Houlihan, Richard Wiles, Environmental Working Group; Citizens Policy Center, October 15, 1998
- 1997 Disclosure Report Card: Which Ohio candidates properly disclose contributions?, Laura Yeomans, June, 1998
- Campaign contributions to the Ohio General Assembly from proponents and opponents of the Audit Privilege bill (S.B. 138), 1995-96 election cycle, Laura Yeomans, Patty Wise, March, 1998
- A Citizen’s Resource Guide: Protecting Ohio Groundwater, Jane Forrest-Redfern, February, 1998
- Take the money and win: the Power of Parties, Incumbency and Campaign Cash, an analysis of Ohio campaign giving in 1995-1996, Laura Yeomans, James Neff, Ohio State University, November, 1997
- Ohio Political Parties: One discloses, one doesn’t, Laura Yeomans, May, 1997
- Disclosure Report Card: Which Ohio Candidates Properly Disclose Contributions?, Laura Yeomans, May, 1997
- Poisons in our midst: The release of reproductive toxins and endocrine disrupters in Ohio in 1994, Laura Yeomans, February, 1997
- Brownfields and wellfields, Jane Forrest-Redfern, November, 1996
- Take the money and run: The first ever statewide analysis of campaign giving to the Ohio General Assembly, legislative caucuses and statewide elected officeholders, 1994 election cycle, Laura Yeomans, James Neff, Ohio State University, September, 1996
- Persistent pollution of Lake Erie, Laura Yeomans, December, 1995
- Protecting Ohio: A new look at environmental quality and policy, Elise Caplan, Diane Lewis, Richard Wiles, Environmental Working Group; Paul Ryder, Citizens Policy Center, May 16, 1995
- Environmental survey, Jane Forrest-Redfern, May 1995
- Enough is enough: it’s time to roll back electric rates in northern Ohio, Shari Weir, November 22, 1994
- Analysis of Toledo Edison revenues, Paula Ross, January 1992; July 1992; January 1993; July 1993; January 1994; July 1994
- Evaluation of Ohio EPA’s proposed ‘Review of New Sources of Toxic Air Emissions,’Scott Spicer, January 31, 1994
- Analysis and recommendations for the Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative: Analysis of cost estimates, incorporating pollution prevention measures, Paul Ryder, September 13, 1993
- Proposed Great Lakes Sport Fish Consumption Advisory provides needed warning to Ohioans, Laura Yeomans, July 1993
- Ohio’s 1993 pollution prevention report card, Ed Hopkins, June 1993
- Great Lakes manufacturers reject pollution prevention, Ed Hopkins, May 20, 1993
- Still holding our breath: Ohio EPA’s failure to reduce toxic pollution, Ed Hopkins, March 30, 1993
- Poison in our waters, Sandy Buchanan, Laura Yeomans, March 3, 1993
- A comparison of fish advisories in the Great Lakes basin, Laura Yeomans, February 1993
- Toxic air pollution: Ohio EPA’s failure to protect public health, Ed Hopkins, Scott Spicer, September 1992
- Halloween consumer alert, Laura Yeomans, October 1992
- Environmental outlaws: Violating Ohio’s hazardous waste laws, Ed Hopkins, Scott Spicer, September 1992
- Cancer-causing chemicals used widely in cosmetics, Laura Yeomans, May 21, 1992
- Consumer alert: Cancer-causing ingredients in cosmetics, Laura Yeomans, summer 1992
- Poisoning the Great Lakes: Manufacturers toxic chemical releases, Ed Hopkins, Tom Pollock, April 1992
- Ohio’s 1992 pollution prevention report card, Ed Hopkins, Scott Spicer, April 1992
- Alternatives to household hazardous products, Laura Yeomans, 1992
- Halloween makeup may include potential hazards, Laura Yeomans, October 1991
- Ohio’s 1991 pollution prevention report card, Ed Hopkins, Scott Spicer, April 1991
- Curbing Ohio’s garbage, Ed Hopkins, 1991
- Reducing Ohio’s toxic waste, Ed Hopkins, March 1991
- Alternatives to pesticides, Laura Yeomans, 1991
- BP-America’s toxic emissions and health problems in Lima: Is there a link?, Ed Hopkins, 1991
- Profile of consumer products most likely to cause harmful emissions, Laura Yeomans, 1991
- Toxic shock: BP Chemicals in Lima, Ohio, Ed Hopkins, Toledo Metropolitan, Winter, 1990
- Toxic chemical emergencies: Head for the hills … or reduce the risk?, Ed Hopkins, October 1990
- The perspective of a citizens organization on toxic chemical releases, Ed Hopkins, speech, American Association for the Advancement of Science, February 19, 1990
- Ohio manufacturers toxic chemical releases, 1987, Ed Hopkins, June 26, 1989
- From Ohio to Antarctica: How Ohio contributes to the destruction of the ozone layer, Sandy Buchanan, June 15, 1989
- The growing threat of toxic rail accidents in Ohio, Laura Yeomans, June 7, 1989
- Water pollution law enforcement, Ed Hopkins, June 1989
- It’s legal … but is it right? The toxic release inventory of Cuyahoga county, Nathan Sooy, Council on Hazardous Materials, May 2, 1989
- Toxic chemical releases in Summit county, Ed Hopkins, May 1989
- Toxic chemical releases in Lucas county, Ed Hopkins, April 1989
- Municipal electric rates, Jennifer O’Donnell, March, 1989
- Ohio railroad accidents, Laura Yeomans, March 1989
- Toxics in our backyard: A report on toxic chemical releases in Franklin county, Ed Hopkins, February 27, 1989
- Toxic releases: air, sewer, landfills, Ed Hopkins, February 1989
- Toxic chemical releases in selected Cincinnati neighborhoods, Roxanne Qualls, Susan Collins, January 18, 1989
- Comments on ‘The need for a balanced approach in regulation of alternative waste disposal options,’Ed Hopkins, January 1989
- Hazardous waste law enforcement,Ed Hopkins, 1989
- Poisons in our neighborhoods, Ed Hopkins, 1989
- Toxic transportation releases, Laura Yeomans, November 18, 1988
- Toxic chemical emissions at the General Motors Lordstown complex, Ed Hopkins, November 16, 1988
- Petrochemical spills by Ohio’s top companies, 1978, Ed Hopkins, October 17, 1988
- The senior citizens’ $2.7 billion physician subsidy: Excess physician charges under Medicare Part B, Laura Yeomans, October 3, 1988
- Community right-to-know guidebook, Sandy Buchanan, Ed Hopkins, Cathy Hurwit, October 1988
- Toledo electric rates, Jennifer O’Donnell, October, 1988
- Toxic chemical releases in Hamilton county, Roxanne Qualls, Susan Collins, September 26, 1988
- Toxic chemical releases in Montgomery county, Ed Hopkins, September 1988
- Right to know, Sandy Buchanan, materials for workshops in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton, and Toledo, fall 1988
- Garbage In, Toxic Waste Out: The hazards of incinerator ash, Ed Hopkins, July 5, 1988
- Toxic transportation accidents,Laura Yeomans, January 19, 1988
- Managing Ohio’s garbage, Sandy Buchanan, Ed Hopkins, newsletter, 1988 – 1992
- Using the right-to-know, Sandy Buchanan, Ed Hopkins, newsletter, 1988 – 1992
- Update: Train accidents in Ohio involving hazardous materials, 1985 – 86, Laura Yeomans, December 4, 1987
- Toxics unleashed: Toxic chemical releases in Montgomery county, Ed Hopkins, September 12, 1987
- Major truck accidents involving hazardous materials in Ohio, 1975 – 84,Laura Yeomans, June 11, 1987
- Product liability: Update on the insurance writers’ earnings in Ohio, Laura Yeomans, June, 1987
- Hazardous waste reduction techniques and the federal right-to-know provisions of the Superfund law, Sandy Buchanan, materials for training sessions for community leaders, June 1987
- Medical malpractice: Update on insurance writers earnings and paid losses, Laura Yeomans, May, 1987
- Product liability: Update on the insurance writers’ earnings in Ohio, Laura Yeomans, May 1987
- Medical PAC contributions to Ohio legislators in 1985 and 1986, Laura Yeomans, April 30, 1987
- 1987 Product liability rate increase, Laura Yeomans, March, 1987
- Insurance industry profitability in 1986: The facts, Laura Yeomans, January 19, 1987
- Bags, Beakers and Barrels: An action curriculum toward resolving hazardous materials issues, curriculum, Sue Lacy, Betsy Grund, 1987
- Medical malpractice: Report on insurance writers earnings and rate hikes, Lucie Audette, November 13, 1986
- Medical malpractice: Insurance writers earnings in Ohio and the United States, 1984 – 1985, Lucie Audette, November, 1986
- Product liability: Insurance writers earnings in Ohio and the United States, 1985, Lucie Audette, November, 1986
- 1986 Product liability rate increase, Lucie Audette, November, 1986
- Nuclear rate shock and jobs in northern Ohio, Bill Callahan, October 7, 1986
- Minimizing waste, maximizing profit: Industrial and hazardous waste reduction and recycling,Sandy Buchanan, materials for seminar, Columbus, Ohio, October 8, 1986
- Toxic train derailments and leaks: Ohio among worst in nation,Laura Yeomans, October 2, 1986
- Other liability policies: Insurance writers earnings in Ohio and the United States, 1984 -1985, Lucie Audette, August, 1986
- Commercial auto liability: Insurance writers earnings in Ohio, 1984 – 85, Lucie Audette, August, 1986
- Model bills on financial disclosure by the insurance industry, Lucie Audette, July, 1986
- Commercial multiperil: Insurance writers earnings in Ohio and the United States, 1984 – 85, Lucie Audette, July, 1986
- Ohio social service and school district liability insurance,Lucie Audette, July 1986
- The great hoax: The liability crisis — No crisis for Ohio’s property and casualty industry, Lucie Audette, May 20, 1986
- Lorain county court of common pleas: jury verdicts and lawsuits filed in 1984 – 85, Lucie Audette, May 5, 1986
- The mounting insurance bill: Ohio’s consumers in crisis, Lucie Audette, February 12, 1986
- Jury verdicts decrease in 1985, Lucie Audette, 1986
- The Cleveland hazardous chemicals right-to-know law: use it and make a difference, Stu Greenberg, Rob Bauman, Council on Hazardous Materials, 1986
- Ohio energy conservation program: Job creation study,Laura Meagher, December 10, 1985
- Recommendations for the creation of Ohio’s early warning system, Lucie Audette, August, 1985
- A promise being kept: A comparison of utility rate increases granted by the Celeste and Rhodes Public Utility Commissions of Ohio, Bill Callahan, July 31, 1985
- Throwing good money after bad: Why Columbus and Southern Ohio Electric Co. should get out of Zimmer,Bill Callahan, July 2, 1985
- Developing an Ohio early warning program, Lucie Audette, July, 1985
- Review and assessment of existing early warning programs, Lucie Audette, April, 1985
- Blue Crossed: The Blue Cross – Blue Shield competitive bidding plan, John Colm, Jay Westbrook, March 8, 1985
- The ERRIS list: EPA’s inventory of hazardous waste sites, Sandy Buchanan, March, 1985
- Chemical and material hazard incidence in Greater Cleveland,Stu Greenberg, February 22, 1985
- Rate shock: Why northern Ohio electric rates may skyrocket in the next three years and what to do about it,Bill Callahan, February 13, 1985
- Geauga county foreclosures, 1981 – 83, Lucie Audette, 1985
- Cuyahoga county foreclosures, 1982 – 85, Lucie Audette, 1985
- Dislocated workers leadership training program, Stu Greenberg, 1985
- Toxic profile of Greater Cleveland workplaces: What you don’t know can hurt you,Stu Greenberg, Angel Guzman, 1985
- Superfund: The unfulfilled promise, Sandy Buchanan, February, 1984
- Community response to plant closings: an action guide, Stu Greenberg, Lucie Audette, Bill Callahan, 1984
- Impact of the Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company’s proposed $180 million rate increase,Sue Lacy, Don Rice, 1983
- The crisis of Ohio’s schools and services: background and options for the future, Edward Kelly, June, 1982
- Cost of natural gas decontrol to Cleveland, suburbs and schools, Jack Nicholl, Paul Ryder, June 15, 1981
- Ohio’s budget for FY1982: An analysis of H.B. 167 and fiscal options on taxes and schools currently under consideration, Edward Kelly, May 15, 1981
- The natural gas dollar drain: How the rising cost of interstate energy threatens Ohio jobs, Bill Callahan, February 19, 1981
- Plugging the energy dollar drain at home: Weatherizing Ohio homes for jobs and energy,Bill Callahan, July, 1980
- Ohio Fair Tax Initiative would ease the fiscal crunch for Cuyahoga county, Cleveland schools, RTA, and the City of Cleveland, Paul Ryder, March 24, 1980
- Testimony, Small Business subcommittee on antitrust and restraint of trade, U.S. House of Representatives, Edward Kelly, February 1, 1980
- Corporate prosperity and urban decline, Edward Kelly, Urban Concerns, February/March, 1980
- Urban economic development in the 1980’s: A survey of existing state economic development programs and economic development literature, Ed Kelly with Illinois Public Action Council, January 20, 1980
- The proposed Brook Park tank plant tax abatement, Paul Ryder, January 15, 1980
- Industrial revenue bonds issued in Cuyahoga county: May, 1978 – May, 1979,Sandy Buchanan, July 26, 1979
- The Ohio Education Association tax proposal, Edward Kelly, June, 1979
- Lykes: A case study of a shaky conglomerate,Edward Kelly, Mark Shutes, Business and Society Review, Spring, 1979
- The consequences of plant closings for the mental health and social stability of employees and their families, Stu Greenberg, training session materials for union leaders, public officials and social service professionals, 1979 – 81
- Sources of new jobs, 1970 – 76, Paul Ryder, 1979
- The Ohio fair tax initiative and school funding, Edward Kelly, 1979
- Plant closings reader: Resources for public officials, trade unionists and community leaders, Edward Kelly, Lee Webb, editors, published with the Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies, 1979
- Tax abatements reader, Edward Kelly, Lee Webb, editors, published with the Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies, 1979
- Testimony, U.S. Senate antitrust and monopoly subcommittee, Edward Kelly, May 12, 1978
- The disincentive to investment: A groundless argument against the unitary method of taxation, Paul Ryder, April 22, 1978
- Lykes and its bankers, Edward Kelly, April, 1978
- Will the Justice department antitrust investigation of the Lykes -LTV merger protect the interests of communities and steelworkers?, Edward Kelly, March 1978
- Public control of runaway plants, Edward Kelly, Public Interest Economics, February, 1978
- Analysis of the Goodyear closing, Edward Kelly, 1978
- Small businesses and multinational corporations, Paul Ryder, 1978
- Preliminary analysis of the Goodyear closing, Edward Kelly, 1978
- Testimony, Hearings on rules relating to shareholder communications, shareholder participation in corporate electoral process and corporate governance, Securities and Exchange Commission, Paul Ryder, November 1, 1977
- Industrial Exodus: Public strategies for control of corporate relocation, Edward Kelly, published with the Conference on Alternative State and Local Policies, October, 1977
- Lykes’ responsibility for closing the Youngstown Campbell works, Edward Kelly and Mark Shutes, October, 1977
- Survey of the effects of the Glidden closing, Edward Kelly, July 28, 1977
- What is the Multistate Tax Commission?, Paul Ryder, June, 1977
- Ohio and business incentives, Edward Kelly, April, 1977, reprinted in Public Policies for the ’80’s, Conference on Alternative State and Local Public Policies, 1978
- Response to the legislative program of the Greater Cleveland Growth Association and Chambers of Commerce throughout Ohio, Edward Kelly, 1977
- Ohio and business incentives, Edward Kelly, 1977
- Business closing legislation won’t place Ohio at a disadvantage, Edward Kelly, 1977
- Signs leading to the Diamond-Shamrock plant closing, Edward Kelly, Julius Majoros, 1977
- Federal economic development programs available to communities with high unemployment, Edward Kelly, Kathleen Carrick, 1977
- Economic conditions in right-to-work states, Mary Elizabeth Branaman, 1977
- Controlling corporations: Making corporations responsive to the public interest, Edward Kelly, in “New Directions in State and Local Public Policy,” Conference on Alternative State and Local Public Policies, 1977
- Business closing legislation won’t place Ohio at a disadvantage, Edward Kelly, 1977
- Corporate location decisions, Edward Kelly, 1977
- Do tax incentives attract industry?, Mark Shanahan, December 1976